Our Mission

Respect others, enjoy our journey together, find the good in each book selection, enjoy and enhance our fellowship while we sharpen our intellects.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Next December 21, 2011 we discuss One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Our second selection on the topic of Russia is Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

Our meeting on November 30 at John's was congenial, and the book Snowdrops met generally with favor, but it's not any blockbuster, either.

We look forward to Drew coming back in the very near future, and have welcomed the Norwegian digeratus Sylvia back into our midst.

As an aside, I just finished Tom Rob Smith's book "Agent 6" and give it five out of five stars. At 600 pages, it actually was about right. I've come to appreciate longer books. I've found that my unwillingness to read books greater than 300 pages has not served me well. The longer books are often worth the trouble! SO, I'm removing book length as a criterion for my selections.

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