Our Mission

Respect others, enjoy our journey together, find the good in each book selection, enjoy and enhance our fellowship while we sharpen our intellects.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Congratulations Jessica!!

Jessica is one of our longest-tenure members, and is especially vivacious and brilliant. We are happy to announce that as of December 2009, her son is now slated to be going to Columbia University on a football scholarship!

Columbia is of course one of the IV league schools (it's not "ivy," it's the roman numeral for 4 because the big 4 schools are Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton).

We are excited and happy for her!
<-- Here's Duncan on the left, working to save the planet.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Goodbye Xmas, Happy New Year!

Now that the effort of selecting, buying, wrapping, driving, and visiting is over, I am glad to be home so I can pursue my technical interests. I'm now focusing on finishing out the Mayan page on www.SacredCodes.com

I am reading the current book club selection, Rain Gods by James Lee Burke. We of course don't discuss our take on a book until the meeting (most of the time). Our next meeting is scheduled for 14 January 2010 at this writing. It's subject to change to accommodate the majority of members.

I look forward to making 2010 a bit brighter for all those I know, and continue to walk a path blessed with prosperity and good fellowship. I intend to keep Tweeting and posting to Facebook.

¡Enjoy reading!

Louis Hemmi -- Louis@HoustonBookClub.com

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good reading weather - finished 1, started another

I finished Bangkok 8 by John Burdett, courtesy of Drew. I really like this book that features a Buddhist detective and a complex murder mystery. As you might expect from the title, the events all take place in Thailand.

I've just started Rain Gods by James Lee Burke, and it has an Asian connection in an unlikely setting.

I'm enjoying a clear and crisp Sunday and hope all the bc buddies are as well.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The week before Christmas, 2009

Corny, I know, but I wanted to wish everyone a very happy life!

Members of the club continue our journey together, and I hope the new year finds us lucking out on selecting great (and gripping) books.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Musings on Sunday - the 1st HBC blog entry!

Good morning - post Thanksgiving Sunday. Back to work tomorrow.

I finished "The Moviegoer" by Walker Percy; it's the current book club selection, and so am ready for the meeting this Thursday at Drew's Gastronomic Emporium.

Also finished John Le Carré's "A Most Wanted Man," and am now reading "Bangkok 8" thanks to Drew who gave me his copy.
